I have never blogged before and I hope that I can figure this blogging thing out. I hope to make my page look as pretty as all the ones I have seen and follow. I cam across a blog about two months ago and was completely in awe. The blog belongs to a woman who loves to crochet probably more than I do. She and I share the LOVE for bright colors. Her name is Lucy and here is her blog http://attic24.typepad.com/
I started one a new blanket and have her to thank. I am now working on a ripple. It is going to have 22 colors in all. Different shades of the rainbow. Believe it or not this blanket is for me, as I have never in all of my years of crocheting made anything for myself. Once I figure out how to cleverly link links here to words and include photos I will do so!
I also love Attic 24 and my name is Lucy. I also love to blog. Good Luck with yours :)