Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Gram time!

For anyone who knows me they know that my Gram means more than anything in the whole world to me.  She has always just been there in my life.  When I was a little girl she called often, she sent cards in the mail, she would often send packages of all sorts off goodies.  The packages were always filled with clothes that she had made anywhere from panties to night gowns, to skirts and sweaters.  She also always included fun stuff that she would pick up when she was out.  Whenever she traveled to the Valley for business she would come and visit.  This usually included a few overnights in a hotel and eating out and followed by a shopping trip of some sort.  Whats not to love about the best Gram in the whole world. 
I often think about our relationship and wonder how it evolved into what it is today.  Without trying to complicate or confuse anyone who is reading this, all I can come up with is that some of us are born with strong family ties and some are not.  I am the type of person who is welcoming of everyone and anyone and my motto has long been more the merrier.  I have strong family ties and always cherished my time with my aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents. 
My Gram has always been "that" person.  She has always been there for me and I know that I can go to her with whatever it may be.  Not many can say they have their own personal cheerleader.  I can and she is my cheerleader.  In all of my adventures and any place I have ended up she is the one person who has always come to visit me.  I saw her a year ago when I was home in Oregon and she is in New Jersey until next week and I am looking forward to making some more memories with her.  She has never been to Amish country and I am taking her this weekend.  We are going to take the train into NYC.  IShe is so easy going and up for anything.  She is the one who taught me how to crochet and for that I am thankful. 
I want to thank my gram for being who she is and for guiding me and at the same time letting me be me!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!

I cannot believe it is 2012 already.  This past year seriously flew by for me.  The start of a new year is generally a time for everyone to make their resolutions.  I personally do not make resolutions anymore, I was tired of letting myself down.  I guess in a way I still kinda do it that but do not refer to them as "resolutions."  The famous one everyone has each year is dieting.  Not this gal, I'm not dieting.  I am going to redirect my eating habits, learn to include more vegetables into my diet along with everything else.  Last night I made yummy turkey burgers.  I shredded a zucchini, red onion and chopped mushrooms, little pepper and less than a dash of salt. I mixed it altogether, cooked them, topped it with some shredded cheese and on a multi grain bun.  It was delicious!  I plan to make some zucchini gondolas next with ground turkey and other yummy stuff.  I will post recipes when I get the chance. 

Along with my eating healthier and not depriving myself of anything good I plan to volunteer more this year.  Over the past year and a half I have been unable to do anything.  Unfortunately work and bills take precedence over being a good samaritan.  I hope to do something new each month if not just stay with one or two organizations.  More details to follow... 

Another wonderful thing that will be happening this year is that I will be completing my associates degree and I cannot wait.  I will be partaking on my first cruise ever and I will be going with my boyfriend.  More details to follow...

I would like to dabble in recycling other peoples unloved furniture. 

I plan to visit my family in Michigan after the new baby is here.

I plan to finish my afghan that is for ME....almost there!

I have to make a minimum of four(goal is 12) blankets for intended christmas presents. 

I would like to plan a trip to Oregon to see the rest of the family.

I would like to participate in a 5k.

I would like to become more fluent in spanish.

I hope to purchase a bike that I will be able to ride to work when it gets warmer.

I would like to take control of the clutter that has engulfed me. 

I hope to have found a school where I can pursue my Bachelors!

I hope to make more handmade gifts.

I hope to post regularly here on my blog.

I will add to this as more things enter my mind.  Oh I would love to know how to customize the look of my blog.  I welcome anyones suggestions!